There was an investigation done on how design can reduce social anxiety on social media. The project will impact people utilizing social media heavily, typically younger generations. This project is important because the increased use and interaction over the internet is impacting mental health.
Treat and Mind is a campaign meant to reduce social anxiety on social media. By using the potential of social media to reach a mass audience fast and easily, we aim to reach individuals suffering from social anxiety quickly for earlier prevention and treatments.
Social media post examples:

Social media post example, cartoon version 1.

Social media post example, cartoon version 2.




Snapshot of the brand guideline.
Social media account mockups:

Instagram account.

Facebook page mockup.

Mockup on computer.

Snapshots of the animation.
Progress SKETCHES:

Round one 1
Round one 2
Round two 1

Round two 2
Round three 1
Round three 2
Round three 3
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